Making Christ Known
Old Paths Bible Baptist Church was founded in 1993 with the goal of glorifying God, edifying his body, and spreading the good news of his gospel. We have made our home in the Brockport and Holley community for over 22 years. We welcome you to join as as we study God's word and seek to serve him with our lives.

We believe in the authority and inerrancy of the King James Bible. We make the Bible the basis of our faith and practice, striving to align our beliefs and actions with its teachings in order to live according to God's will.

We have a staffed nursery and young children's class on Sunday mornings. Older children are encouraged to sit together with their family for our Family School lesson geared toward all ages.

We believe in the call of Jesus Christ to spread the gospel to all corners of the world. We support global missions through prayer, financial giving, and sending members to share the love and message of Jesus with those in need.